Serving the local community of Stoke Bishop in NW Bristol for over 70 years, our Group includes multiple sections of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
What’s our purpose?
We actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. We give them skills for life. We are also seen as an integral part of the community and actively engage with and support other local organisations and residents.
What activities do we provide?
We challenge our children with a wide range of activities in addition to the usual fun, educational Scouting evenings and camps – for example the Beavers visit local police and fire stations, and practise emergency first aid supervised by local medical students; the Scouts try out various activities such as caving, scuba diving, sailing and sharp shooting.
Our leadership teams:
Scouts "Exec" Committee and Trustee meeting during lockdown May 2020:
More details of our Committee members here.
Group Leaders:
Feb 2019, from left to right - Nicky Woodfield: Group Scout Leader, Jacquie Carn: Beavers Leader, Pete Gilbert: ex-Scout Leader, Steve Brown: Scout Leader, Andy Judd: ex-Group Scout Leader, Yvonne Griffiths: Cubs Leader. Both ex-leaders still provide considerable assistance to the Group in various ways. In addition, each of our Leaders is supported by a team of Assistant Leaders.
43rd Scout Group Facts:
- Registered Charity no. 302159
- Beavers, Cubs and Scouts with nearly 100 registered children
- A long waiting list of children keen to join our Group
- Over 40 regular helpers, including young leaders and older children completing the volunteering section of their Duke of Edinburgh award