‘Leaving Home to Fight’ by Liz Tomlinson and Jenny Weeks, brings together for the first time the lives and the deaths of all the men listed on all the war memorials of Stoke Bishop. It is a comprehensive record of these men who did not return to this part of Bristol; not only from Stoke Bishop but also from Shirehampton, Westbury Park, Henbury and Westbury-on- Trym, and from Clifton College and other local schools. With many new photographs and fresh details, this book is an important contribution to our local history. Above all it tells the stories of 90 men whose lives were as fascinating as they were varied, from the sons of Bristol’s wealthy manufacturers to those of poor cottagers – brothers, sons and husbands taken by the Great War and turned into privates, pilots and lieutenants.
The books are priced at £10 and the authors will donate a percentage of the takings from any books sold through the scout group, to the 43rd Bristols Scout Community Centre Appeal.
Please contact a scout leader, or use the contact form if you wish to place an order.