Over 100 local residents came together on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the registering of Stoke Lodge Parkland as a Village Green.
It was great to see so many people enjoying the open space and taking part in the welly throwing competition and the lucky dip stall.
The 43rd Bristol Scout Group are very grateful to We Love Stoke Lodge for inviting us to join the celebrations with all profits going towards our fundraising for a new Scout Community Centre. We are delighted to let you know that over £600 was raised which is amazing.
A very big thank you to everyone who made cakes, helped out and our fantastic local community that supported us. Also thank you to The Co-op Sea Mills for donating prizes for the lucky dip raising £104.
If you would like to donate to our fundraising campaign please visit https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/donate/43rd-bristol-st-mary-magdalene-stoke-bishop-scout-group