On Friday 3 November the 43rd Bristol Scout Group were kindly invited to speak at the Stoke Bishop and Sea Mills Ward Forum Meeting held at Stoke Bishop Village Hall.
Chair of the Group, Charles Elderton, gave a short talk to over 80 attendees about the long history of the Group’s involvement in the local community. He also shared information about the development of the Group and the impact it has made on the lives of generations of children since 1911. Currently, over 80 children use the dilapidated old hut weekly.
The Group’s aim is to demolish the existing hut and to build a new Scout Community Centre to include access by the local community - similar to that of the Village Hall and the St Mary’s Church Rooms. The new facility will benefit thousands of local children over the next 50+ years.
He explained how the challenges, time and effort needed to secure a lease, to obtain planning permission and to fundraise have been immense. It has taken a great team of enthused and passionate volunteers.
With an amazing £286K of monies and/or pledged funds raised so far the Group is on the cusp of making its 10 year old vision a reality.
With still the need to raise at least another £100K the Group is very appreciative of any individual financial support or corporate sponsorship you might be able to offer.
You can donate online by visiting https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/donate/43rd-bristol-st-mary-magdalene-stoke-bishop-scout-group
Alternatively, please contact chairman@43rdbristolscouts.org.uk