Scout Science and Wide Games

The Scouts have spent the past couple of weeks working on the first stage of their science badge by making electromagnetic motors, amplifier speakers for the phones and potential energy lollipopstick explosions!  Tonight we had a great night of fun playing wide games in the dark – who knew a light-up football could be so … Read more

43rd Bristol Scout Group launches ‘Buy-A-Brick or something….” campaign

After 10 years of hard work the 43rd Bristol Scout Group is now on the final push to secure the remaining funds needed so they can build a modern, fit-for-purpose new Scout Community Centre. The new facility will be for the use of our Scout Group and the local community.   We have so far … Read more

Congratulations to our raffle prize winners!

A big thanks to all those local businesses who supported our raffle and well done to the lucky winners – we hope you enjoy your prizes. The raffle has added around £1100 to our hut fund so we are nearly at £365k raised to date, wow – getting closer to our £400k+ target!

Another Expedition Success for the 43rd Bristol Scouts

The second group of scouts from the 43rd Bristol undertook their Expedition Challenge Camp this weekend. Whilst it was glorious sunshine for most of the weekend, a short burst of rain didn’t dampen spirits on Saturday as the Scouts walked from Congresbury to Backwell Scout Hut whilst carrying their overnight gear. Sundays hike took them … Read more