Live Radio Interview for 43rd Bristol Scouts

On 13 March our Chairman, Scout Leader and two of our Scouts were in the studios of Bristol Community Radio (93.2 fm) for a live broadcast!

Steve, Fin and Natalie at Bristol Community Centre

Charles, Steve, Natalie and Fin were on the Avon Scout Radio slot talking to DJ Andy Rooke about Scouting, what they enjoy and the things they have learnt whilst being part of the scouting movement.

Importantly they were able to press the case as to why funds were urgently needed to replace their 60 year old Scout Hut with a new £450,000 Scout Community Centre. With the 43rd expanding fast and now with 89 registered children and over 45 volunteer adult helpers the need is ever more critical. The new Centre would also provide much needed modern facilities for use by the wider community and other non-for-profit making Groups.
To hear the full live broadcast, please visit and select the podcast of 13 March 2017 or listen to the audio track below :

To learn more about the 43rd Bristol Scout Group or to make a donation to our fundraising efforts, please visit