With a packed Stoke Bishop Village Hall we welcomed over 100 guests to a night of fun, mental challenges and delicious food.

Our bar had a busy night so a big thanks to Jo Gordon and Chris Watson for all their help. They were naturals at it.
Our Group Scout Leader, Nicky Woodfield, presented our former GSL, Andy Judd, with his Certificate for 10 years of Service to Scouting - extremely well deserved.
Our raffle was very well supported and thanks to our Fundraising lead and trustee, Carolyn Jenkins, for co-ordinating. Thanks to Bath Ales who kindly donated some tours of their new Hare Brewery and Edith Wilmot for the bunch of flowers.

This was a great community event and, as ever, we are grateful to all our many supporters.
Remember our next big event is our Christmas Tree Sale on Saturday 1 December. Gates open at 8am. Do come and join us. For more information please visit www.43rdbristolscouts.org.uk