The 43rd Bristol Scout Group held a truly fantastic and memorable community plant sale and tea party on Saturday 4 May. The gates opened at 1pm, the sun came out and visitors were greeted to a wall of brightly coloured flowers and plants to buy.
The Cubs organised and ran a whole range of fun stalls including splat the rat, coconut shy and hook the duck. There was a second-hand book stall for those after a bargain.
Our guests were then able to sit in the sun and chat as they dug into their platter of sandwiches, cakes, scones whilst sipping a cup of tea or coffee.
We finished off by drawing our spring raffle with prizes donated by individuals and local businesses. We would like to thank each and every one for their contribution.
This was a true team effort and testament to our fantastic parents, helpers, committee members, beavers, cubs and scouts who gave up their time to bake cakes, wash up, sell raffle tickets, grow plants, move tables, run stalls, etc. You know who you are! Thank you.
Finally a big thank you to our local community for joining us and continuing to support our Scout Group. This event raised an amazing £2800 and gets us very close to £120,000 of funds raised so far towards replacing our Hut.