Virtual Cub Camp a Great Success

We had 19 cubs join us for our first virtual camp where the cubs would either camp in their gardens, or sleep in a den made inside the house. Throughout the weekend we had several online video calls to coordinate activities, as well as a private social media group that was constantly pinging with updates and photos of all the different activities.

We hiked over 235km between us, which meant our virtual destination was Newquay, a relief as Severn beach isn't quite so picturesque! We then played some holiday scavenger hunts and created holiday scenes, took part in an interactive bread twister making session with Nicky, our GSL, cooked our own meals, took part in a virtual campfire with songs and jokes and finally made it to bed. The next day started with a variety of camp breakfasts and then some more holiday craft and pioneering.

The cubs all embraced the virtual weekend with great enthusiasm. It was not the same as a real camp, but as the cub motto goes, we did our best!

Many thanks to all the parents, volunteers and leaders for ensuring the cubs had a great weekend.

Below are a selection of photos from camp, as well as a video from one of our cubs performing speed tent pitching!

Typical view of a virtual camp :


What it takes to run a virtual cub camp : A supportive wife, 2 laptops, a dog and a chimenea...