John James Foundation award £20k towards our new Scout Community Centre

We are pleased and honoured to be able to thank the John James Foundation for awarding us a £20,000 grant towards our new Scout Community Centre project.

As the Foundation so aptly says "Remembering the Past, Reaching to the Future, Giving back to Bristol."

Our new Scout Community Centre will make a big difference:

  • to our Scouting activities, enabling us to provide a fit for purpose base for current and future generations of young people to make friends, learn essential skills for life and positively participate in and contribute to community life, and
  • to our local community, providing a useful community space for events and groups to meet, with the benefit of both indoor and outdoor space.

We are keen to start our build within the next year and are now getting so close to our target. To date we have fundraised over £325k and require over £400k to be able to get on and get this build completed.

If you are able to help support our campaign and wish to donate, please visit Donations – 43rd Bristol Scout Group (

To learn more about this pommunity project please visit