Another Brilliant Beaver Camp…

The sun shone once again allowing our Beavers to enjoy their 2nd annual Beaver camp at the lovely Olveston Scout hut. The warm weather allowed them to make the most of the facilities and outdoor space around the hut. Supervised by 7 beaver leaders and 3 parent helpers the Beavers spent the weekend outdoors hiking, playing … Read more

Beavers Explore Under Fall Yard  

The beavers spent the evening touring the Bristol floating harbour under fall yard learning how the floating harbour works and what machinery is used to build and maintain the boats in the adjacent yard. They then spent time in the visitor centre performing various experiments and activities associated with the floating harbour. One such activity … Read more

Beavers Enjoy a Junk Modelling Evening

Following on from St George’s Day the Beavers were set a teamwork challenge, in their lodges, to make a dragon out of junk. We added an extra challenge that the dragon needed to be able to make a noise. They worked well together and came up with some excellent dragons and enjoyed demonstrating their features to the … Read more

Beavers District Docks Day

Our Cabot District organised a wonderful day trip for 200 Beavers at the Bristol Docks. Jacquie, Philippa and Steve were pleased to take nine Beavers from our colony and thoroughly enjoyed the day. We started with a boat trip around the docks on the Tower Belle, followed by visiting the Brunel museum and a trip around the SS Great … Read more