Cubs Remember…

The Cubs learnt about the role Cubs and Scouts played in WWI, had a minutes silence and did some poppy craft. Well done Cubs!

Cubs are Stars (and planets)…

The cubs continued the astronomy theme outdoors this week. They learnt about the size/scale of our solar system and the difference between planets and stars. Using torches, they learnt about some of the star constellations by forming the correct patterns and they were lucky enough to get a break in the clouds and spotted Mars, … Read more

43rd Cubs are back…

It was great to be able to finally meet face to face again, even with just half of the pack, after a long 6 months of virtual meetings! Although COVID regulations limited what could be done, the cubs still had a great socially distant evening earning a good part of their Navigation staged badges on … Read more

43rd Cubs Virtual Badges

27 badges ready to deliver along with 2 investiture certificates. We may have gone virtual, but the cubs have been working really hard earning badges during lockdown with many more to come… Well done 43rd Cub Pack!

Cub Mug Cake Bake

The cubs were all on form this week when they joined our regular zoom cub night for a cake bake led by one of the parents. It was great fun and the one I tried tasted yummy – definitely not something we would have tried with a traditional cub night, although I hope the cubs … Read more

Cubs Take On Foot-volleyball

The Cubs learnt a new sport this week as part of their challenge badges. Foot volleyball involves trying to stop the balloon from touching the floor, whilst in a crab position, and using only your feet to get the balloon over the ‘net’. It was great fun and is likely to become a regular feature … Read more