Another Successful Cubbaccino Cafe
Thanks to everyone who attended our December Cubbaccino Cafe helping us to raise £130 towards our new Scout Community Centre.
Serving Stoke Bishop and the surrounding area
Registered Charity Number: 302159
Thanks to everyone who attended our December Cubbaccino Cafe helping us to raise £130 towards our new Scout Community Centre.
In May the Beavers planted pumpkin seeds in our new 43rd scout vegetable garden. We ran a stall at the Cubs Afternoon Tea Party, asking everyone to guess how big our pumpkin would grow, with the chance to win a lovely cuddly beaver. Guess what! We grew a small but perfectly formed pumpkin, which … Read more
Well done to our team of exceptional volunteers for organising and selling all 116 bags of smelly and steaming manure at our Manure Sale yesterday.