43rd Beavers Learn About Science!
The beavers enjoying a super science night learning about static, electrical circuits, magnets and light!
Serving Stoke Bishop and the surrounding area
Registered Charity Number: 302159
The beavers enjoying a super science night learning about static, electrical circuits, magnets and light!
A huge thankyou to the scouting families that joined us on The Downs on St George’s day. All of the scouts, cubs and beavers renewed their promise and then spent time litter picking.
We celebrated Chinese New Year at Beavers. The children learned to use chopsticks – practiced on blueberries! That can’t have been easy. They also found out about the tradition of giving gifts to the young children in red envelopes. They all went home with some chocolate coins in theirs.
We celebrated Pancake Day in a traditional way – the Beavers had fun measuring out, cracking eggs and mixing up the batter ready for cooking pancakes. We were thrilled to welcome our Scout Leader to our Beaver colony – he set up the burners and cooked the pancakes for the children. I think putting on … Read more
Last week our Beavers on Monday and Tuesday, enjoyed a visit from Lewis and Monica with their guide dogs. They explained to the Beavers how guide dogs help them to live their lives. Lewis told them about the difficulties he faces walking around the village and how his dog helps him to cross roads and … Read more
Beavers quietly enjoying their home made curry and rice after working hard at their quiz beforehand. After eight recent investitures – all in uniform, looking very smart.
Our Beaver colonies are looking forward to a book event at the beginning of December. Local author Rachel McCoubrie is coming to read her newly published book and talk about becoming an author – perfect for our children currently doing their book reader badge. Rachel has kindly donated a copy to our raffle taking place … Read more
It was an interesting evening and we were able to learn about the workings of the store both on the shop floor and behind the scenes. We discovered that Sainsbury’s sell five times as many bananas as any other fruit and that they sell more ham than anything else in the delicatessen area. We were very … Read more
We are proud to announce that Sainsbury’s Clifton Down have nominated the 43rd Bristol Scout Group to be their Charity of the Year. There was a good turn out of Beavers, Cubs & Scouts at the launch weekend and everyone enjoyed helping local people pack their shopping at the tills. We look forward to a fruitful … Read more