Read moreStoke Bishop Scout Group Grows To Break New Record…
Cubs Tea Party Breaks All Records
On Saturday 6 May, the 43rd Bristol Scout Group held a Cub Tea Party at their site off Kewstoke Road. The event was very well supported with plenty of stalls to play games and buy plants, books, sweets and much more. Our Cubs and Scouts did us proud helping to design and make the … Read more
43rd Scouts Explore Bristols Floating Harbour
Watch the slo-mo video to appreciate the patience required to capture a good photo… 🙂
Live Radio Interview for 43rd Bristol Scouts
On 13 March our Chairman, Scout Leader and two of our Scouts were in the studios of Bristol Community Radio (93.2 fm) for a live broadcast! Charles, Steve, Natalie and Fin were on the Avon Scout Radio slot talking to DJ Andy Rooke about Scouting, what they enjoy and the things they have learnt whilst … Read more
Stargazing Scouts
Scouts work towards their astronomy activity badge with John from The Travelling History Company.
Amble Ramble Walks Announced
‘If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish!’ (Charles Dickens) The aim of our Amble Rambles series of walks is to get out and explore Bristol and its surrounding countryside! Walks are open to all scouting families and take in woodland, urban parks, open parkland, fields and … Read more
Stoke Bishop Scout Group Grows To Break New Record…
Please Check Your Christmas Trees…
The Christmas tree sale was so successful, that we ran out, but we do appear to have mis-placed some Scouts and Scout Leaders.
Another Fantastic Christmas Tree Sale
Thank you to the large number of our local community residents who turned out in force for our annual tree sale on Saturday 10 December.
Help Save Stoke Lodge – Your Action is Needed by December 8th
Stoke Lodge Parkland is a valuable resource to our local community and is well loved and frequently used by our Scout Group. Please help prevent the loss of public access to Stoke Lodge by voicing your support for it to be turned into a Town Green so public access can be guaranteed for generations of Scouts, Cubs and Beavers to come.
Read moreHelp Save Stoke Lodge – Your Action is Needed by December 8th