Beavers Try Out Yoga…

The beavers enjoyed an evening of yoga exercises led by Sarah, a mum from the Monday beaver group. The beaver leaders joined the beavers on the floor and were put through their paces with some challenging yoga moves. The young beavers demonstrated their flexibility making easy work of the various yoga positions.  Calm descended upon … Read more

Leaders Gain Deserved Recognition at Founders Day Sunday Service

We had an interesting Church service for Founder’s Day on Sunday with a great turnout of Cubs after they had a sleepover in the church rooms. They were joined by plenty of Beavers and Scouts too. A highlight for the children was a chance to blow bubbles during the service. As usual all our young members were … Read more

The Beavers Brilliant Bug Night…

The beavers enjoyed a fun night taking part in a ladybird relay game as well as building woodlice homes to take away and look after. Another great night of learning and games! Hopefully all of the woodlice have either been released or have found their own way out by now… 

Beavers Join Elite Squash Team

The Beavers spent the evening at the hut learning basic squash skills from professional coaches Richard King (world ranked 314 in 2014) and Kylie Lindsay (world ranked 34 in 2012) from Elite Squash. The squash coaches brought all the equipment needed and erected two portable squash walls enabling the beavers to experience this exciting racket … Read more

Beavers Build Bridges!

The beavers were challenged to build a Lego bridge capable of carrying a toy car over 25cm’s. They worked in teams to build various structures all of which were able to carry the toy car the set distance. Well done beavers. The Beavers also split into two teams (the republic and the empire) to play … Read more

43rd Beavers Learn CPR

The Tuesday night beaver lodge spent the evening learning first aid from a group of trainee doctors (Monday night lodge to have training night early next year). The Beavers were taught how to put someone into the recovery position, what to do if they found someone ill, how basic CPR was performed (on the dummies … Read more

Beavers Run Riot in Patchway…

The Monday and Tuesday night beavers spent the evening touring the new police station in Patchway.   They learnt about what police officers do, the equipment they carry and their place of work. They visited the custody suite, the cells, the finger printing and interview rooms and were then rounded up and locked in the … Read more

Beaver Junk Modelling Monster Fun

Our Scouting District organised the annual Junk Modelling Competition for Beavers on Friday 13th October. 4 beavers from Monday and Tuesday colonies took part and worked as a team against other colonies in the district to make their own monster model. It was a room full of junk which was turned into 12 amazing monsters in only a couple … Read more

CSI: Beavers

The beavers spent the night creating finger prints and finding them on plastic panels using dusting brushes. Jenny an ex detective led the evening. The super sleuth beavers found the event fascinating with many challenging questions at the end. All are now keen mini detectives so watch out criminals… Also a reminder about our Cubbacino … Read more